lunes, 30 de julio de 2012



Nothing has gone wrong with you -- it is just that YOU ARE NOT ACQUAINTED WITH HOW THE PATH MOVES. Many times it goes down, just to go higher than before. It passes through valleys to reach to the peaks, and each peak is just a beginning of a new pilgrimage -- because a higher peak is ahead of you. 

But to reach to the higher peak, you will have to go down again. ONCE YOU HAVE UNDERSTOOD that it is natural, all your misery, all your clouds will simply disperse.

You have been doing perfectly well. So the first thing to be remembered is: NEVER BE WORRIED WHEN DAYS OF DOWN-GOING COME; keep your eyes always on the faraway stars. Those valleys are parts of the mountains. You cannot take the valleys away and leave the mountains alone. 

Once this sinks deep into you, YOU WILL PASS THROUGH THE VALLEYS DANCING AND SINGING, knowing perfectly well that a higher peak is waiting for you. 

And there is no end to this pilgrimage. Just as every day is followed by night, EVERY HEIGHT IS FOLLOWED BY A DOWN-GOING.

One has to learn not only to rejoice in the day, but to rejoice in the night too -- it has its own beauty. THE PEAKS HAVE THEIR GLORY, THE VALLEYS HAVE THEIR RICHNESS. 

But if you become addicted to the peaks only, you have started choosing, and any consciousness that starts choosing gets into trouble. REMAIN CHOICELESS... AND WHATEVER COMES, ENJOY IT as a part of natural growth.

The night may become even darker... BUT THE DARKER THE NIGHT BECOMES, THE CLOSER IS THE DAWN. So rejoice in the darkening night, and learn to see the beauty of darkness, of the stars... because in the day, you will not find those stars. 

AND NEVER COMPARE what has been, and what should be, and what is.

WHAT IS HAS TO BE REJOICED.... You may be going away from me, but I am not going away from you. You will find me in your joyful moments, and you will find me in your sad moments. 

A LIFE WHICH KNOWS NO SADNESS, NO TEARS, REMAINS POOR. Life has to know all the varieties of experiences to be rich. The more you know different aspects of existence, and still keep yourself together and centered, the more your life will find itself becoming richer and richer every moment, every day.

Going away is just a means of coming back again. How can you come back if you don't go away? ALWAYS LOOK AT LIFE AS A DIALECTICAL PROCESS.

Here, night brings the day.
Here, death brings a new life.
Here, sadness brings a new rejoicing.
Here, emptiness brings a new fulfillment.

EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED TOGETHER... it is part of one organic whole. WE CREATE PROBLEMS BY DIVIDING THINGS. Learn the art -- not to divide, but simply to remain alert, watchful, enjoying whatsoever life provides...

You are here with me; you will be.... with me -- because MY BEING WITH YOU IS NOT A PHYSICAL AFFAIR. It is a love affair -- which knows no distances of time, no distances of space. Wherever you are, you will find me. IN WHATEVER SITUATION YOU ARE, YOU WILL FIND ME. 

Just remember one thing: ACCEPT EVERYTHING THAT LIFE GIVES TO YOU. If it gives you darkness, enjoy it -- dance under the stars in the dark night, remembering that every night is nothing but a womb for a new dawn, and every day is going to rest again in the darkness of the night.

WHEN IT IS FALL AND THE TREES BECOME NAKED, and all the foliage falls down, just watch the old leaves in the wind flying... in the forest, almost dancing. And the naked trees have a beauty of their own against the sky. But they are not going to remain naked forever. The old leaves have fallen... just to give place for new leaves, new flowers.

EXISTENCE GOES ON RENEWING ITSELF EVERY MOMENT. You should keep in tune with existence, never ask otherwise. 

THAT IS THE ROOT CAUSE OF MISERY: when it is night, you cry for the day; when it is day, you cry for the rest of the night. Then life becomes a misery, a hell. 

YOU CAN MAKE IT A PARADISE BY JUST ACCEPTING whatever is given to you with a grateful heart. Don't judge whether it is good or bad. Your gratefulness will transform everything into a beautiful experience, and will deepen your awareness, will heighten your love, will make you a beautiful flower with great fragrance.

BUT JUST LEARN THE ART OF TOTAL ACCEPTANCE. Gautam Buddha calls this the philosophy of thusness: WHATEVER IS, ACCEPT IT AS THE NATURE OF REALITY. Don't even imagine to go against it. Never go against the current; just follow the river wherever it leads.

Two tramps sat with their backs against a tree. "You know, Jim," the first tramp mused, "this business of tramping your way through life is not what it is cracked up to be -- wandering, unwanted everywhere, sneered at by your fellow man."
"Well," observed the second tramp, "if that's the way you feel about it, why don't you go and find yourself a job?"
"What?" exclaimed his friend, "and admit that I'm a failure?"

NEVER ADMIT THAT YOU ARE A FAILURE. The secret of thusness, the secret of total acceptance, is the secret of absolute success; you cannot fail. THERE IS NO POWER ANYWHERE THAT CAN MAKE YOU A FAILURE. Because even in failure, you will be dancing and rejoicing. 

TRANSFORM EVERY OPPORTUNITY into something creative and beautiful.

I don't want you to get the illusory idea of remaining permanently in the same state of mind; that is possible only if you are dead. IF YOU ARE ALIVE, CLIMATES WILL CHANGE, SEASONS WILL CHANGE; and you have to learn through winters, through summers, through rains. And you have to pass through all these seasons with a dance in your heart, KNOWING PERFECTLY WELL THAT EXISTENCE IS NEVER AGAINST YOU. 

So whatever it gives... it may be bitter, but it is a medicine. It may not taste sweet to you in the beginning... but finally you will find it has given you something which just one state of mind could not have given to you.

SO WHATEVER IS HAPPENING IS GOOD... TAKE IT EASY. This will not stay, this will also change -- but don't make any effort to change it. Leave it up to existence. This is what I call trust. Existence is wiser than you, and will provide you with all the opportunities needed for your growth.

The New Dawn.
Ch #2: Sanity is just boring
am in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

viernes, 27 de julio de 2012


IF YOU KNOW, THERE IS NO NEED TO BE HERE. If you don't know, then please never ask questions from your knowledge, from your so-called knowledge. 


And I am not saying that you don't know. If you know, it is very good; but I AM NOT INTERESTED IN "KNOWERS." You can go and teach the masses and help the poor people. It is because of you and people like you that they are still poor. And it is because of you and people like you, that they are still living in hell. And they will live in hell unless leaders like you stop serving them. Unless do-gooders like you stop doing good, they will remain in their misery.

But my interest is only in those people who have come to know that they don't know, that they are ignorant. In India it is very difficult. Knowledge has become part of the Indian blood. For centuries they have been like parrots, repeating SHASTRAS, scriptures -- memorizing -- not knowing anything, but feeling very egoistic that they know. 

Whenever such a person comes here, I am simply surprised why he should come here. Out of all the places, this place is not for you, people like you -- not at all. COME HERE ONLY IF YOU CAN THROW YOUR KNOWLEDGE OUTSIDE THE GATE. Where you leave your shoes, leave your knowledge too, your head too. Only then can you understand what is happening here. If it is not possible for you, there is no need to come.

And I am not interested in the masses -- because IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE MASSES, YOU HAVE TO BE MANIPULATED BY THE MASSES. I am not in any way a mass man, because I am very individual. I have my own way, my own life, my own style, and I don't allow anybody to interfere with it. If you want to become a man of the masses, the whole mass interferes with you. They teach you how you should sit and how you should stand, and what you should say and what you should not say, and what you should eat and what you should not eat, and when you should go to bed and when you should get up. They teach you everything. 

This is very ironical that the people who think they are leaders of the masses and gurus of the masses, in fact, are the slaves of the masses. The masses teach them how to be. They don't have any freedom. And the masses go on looking from everywhere: "ARE YOU REALLY FOLLOWING WHAT THE MASS WANTS TO BE FOLLOWED? Are you really following the idea of the mass, what a saint should be like?" Or if you are not following, then you become a fallen saint; then you are a sinner.

I DON'T ALLOW ANYBODY TO DICTATE MY LIFE. I don't allow anybody's life to be dictated by me. That's why I don't give any discipline to my people. I simply confer freedom on them and a responsibility to be free. NEVER INTERFERE WITH ANYBODY'S LIFE, and don't allow anybody to interfere with your life. Be individualistic. I am not a socialist, I am not a communist. I believe in the individual. I am absolutely an unashamed individualist.

I was moving around the country, I was moving among the masses for many years, but I was surprised to see the fact that THE MASSES TRY TO MANIPULATE YOU. Rather than learning anything from you, rather than taking anything from you, they try to manipulate you....

IF YOU WANT TO BECOME A SAINT OF THE MASSES, you can become one only in THEIR way. I am not interested in anybody else's way. I have found my way and my goal. I only allow people here who are ready to understand me and who are no longer obsessed with wanting to control me or are obsessed with wanting to be controlled by me. I am a free man, and I confer freedom on you. MY SANNYAS IS A DECLARATION OF FREEDOM. It is not a discipline; it is a freedom.

Ecstasy - The Forgotten Language
Ch #6: Trust your nature
am in Buddha Hall

jueves, 26 de julio de 2012



THERE IS AN ANCIENT PARABLE in the East that a newly-recruited devil came running to the old master, the Great Devil, perspiring, huffing and puffing. He said, "What are you doing here smoking Havana cigars? Are you not aware that ONE MAN ON THE EARTH HAS FOUND THE TRUTH? If he spreads it to the people, our whole business will be destroyed!"

The old devil went on smoking and smiling. He said, "Don't be worried, my son. You are new -- you don't know our strategies. MY PRIESTS HAVE ALREADY REACHED THERE; they are surrounding the man. Now they will not let anything reach to the people uninterpreted.

"They are my servants, but they will pretend to be his priests. They will write his books, they will interpret his philosophy. They will make a church, and they will convert people. They will not allow anybody to reach to the man directly -- WE DON'T ALLOW ANYBODY TO REACH TO TRUTH DIRECTLY. Everybody has to go via the right channel, and the right channel is the priest. And all the priests are my employees, so you don't be worried. Quiet down. Have a Havana cigar."

The new devil said, "This is strange, because I saw there many very saintly looking people sitting around the man."

The old devil said, "Yes, they are my people -- very expert. It has happened many times: many people have found truth, but my priests have always spoiled it. Truth has never been able to reach to the people; WHAT REACHES TO THE PEOPLE IS DISTORTION."

Socrates Poisoned Again After 25 Centuries
Ch #10: Pope the polack is the antichrist